Courage for Lisa

Team Captain: Haley Smith
Tour de Cure presented by Wheaton Precious Metals
$38,431.00 Raised


Welcome to our team page!

Team Courage for Lisa was formed in 2017 in honour of Lisa Mary Smith. Lisa's friends and family will ride on an epic journey from Vancouver to Hope this August. In April of 2015, Lisa was diagnosed with a stage IV brain tumour. As with most things in her life, she approached the situation with determination and a positive attitude. She and her family sought the best possible treatments for her disease, and she bravely endured their brutal side effects. Still, even the most cutting-edge treatments could not defeat this aggressive disease, and Lisa passed away in July of 2016. The Tour de Cure provides an opportunity to reflect on and celebrate Lisas life, while contributing to a cause that will significantly improve outcomes for others affected by brain cancer now and in the future. All of the funds raised by team Courage for Lisa will go directly towards BC Cancer, where Lisa received much of her treatment and care.

Lisa was a force of nature and an inspiration to all those who knew and loved her. She was an amazing mother, loving wife, and loyal friend. She was endlessly generous with her time and energy, dedicating herself entirely to making things better for her family and friends.

Lisa started road biking in spring 2010 to prepare for a trip to France that summer. During this trip, Lisa, Rob and a group of friends would set out to follow the Tour de France on a spectacular yet difficult 10-day journey through the French countryside. A few months before their departure, Lisa suffered an injury to her hand and was unable to put in the long hours of training required for the strenuous days of riding ahead. True to form, she took this in stride and went on the trip anyway. One particularly hot day, the group was riding up a long, steep incline to finish one of the stages of the Tour. Lisa was battling a head cold and her energy was compromised, and she was lagging behind the group, but she kept pushing up the hill. As she neared the top, she rode past a group of local French spectators who clapped and cheered and yelled 'Courage, Courage!' (koo-rahj) in her direction. As with most things in Lisa's life, she overcame the challenge and made it to the summit, where she rejoined the group with a smile on her face.

We started this team in 2017, early in the wake of Lisa's passing, and since then, the team has grown, shrunk, and grown again through various iterations of the event and changes in our lives. In total, we've raised over $350,000 (and counting!) for cancer research and treatments. Now, our team has expanded to include friends and loved ones of those who loved Lisa. Everyone on this team has a person, or more than one person who they ride for, and one of the best parts of this event is getting to share stories and remember the people we loved and have lost to cancer, as well as those who have survived it and continue to inspire us every day.

The definition of courage is "strength in the face of pain or grief". Lisa embodied courage in so many instances throughout her life, and she continues to inspire all of us to take on new challenges with her same brave, can-do attitude. We are so excited to ride together and to support a cause she believed in, and we are immensely grateful for any and all support as we raise money that will go towards cancer treatment and research for future patients.