Held by Felix Lairet Santana
Tour de Cure presented by Wheaton Precious Metals
66 supporters
Por favor apoyame en el Tour de Cure 2024!
Con mucha emocion me uno a mi hijo Felix, estare participando en un evento de ciclismo de un dia (100 km) que se va llevar a cabo el domingo 25 de agosto. Como es la primera vez que enfrento este desafio, estoy ansioso por dedicar mi recorrido a apoyar la investigacion del cancer y recaudar fondos para BC Cancer.
Sabias que el cancer es la segunda causa principal de muerte a nivel mundial? Millones de personas son diagnosticadas con cancer y muchos mas pierden la vida debido a esta enfermedad devastadora. A pesar de los avances en el tratamiento, aun queda mucho por hacer para encontrar una cura.
Aqui tienes algunas estadisticas preocupantes:
- "A nivel mundial, se estimaron 20 millones de nuevos casos de cancer y 10 millones de muertes por cancer."
- "El cancer representa casi 1 de cada 6 muertes a nivel mundial, convirtindolo en una de las principales causas de muerte en todo el mundo."
El Tour de Cure es mas que un evento de ciclismo; es una oportunidad para unirnos y marcar la diferencia en la vida de quienes son afectados por el cancer.
Mi objetivo es recaudar un minimo de $12,000 dolares canadienses para contribuir a esta causa. Tu apoyo, sin importar la cantidad, tendra un impacto significativo en la lucha contra el cancer. Juntos, podemos llevar esperanza a quienes enfrentan esta enfermedad y apoyar los esfuerzos continuos para encontrar una cura.
Tu generosidad no solo me ayudar a alcanzar mi meta de recaudacion de fondos, sino que tambien marcar la diferencia en la vida de innumerables personas afectadas por el cancer.
Por favor, considera apoyarme haciendo una donacion hoy. Tu donacion me ayudar a alcanzar mi meta de recaudacion de fondos!
Muchas gracias por tu apoyo!
Please support me in the Tour de Cure!
I will be joining my son Felix in participating in the 2024 Tour de Cure with Ledcor Team. I will be riding the one-day cycling event (100 kms) taking place on August 25th. As this is my first time taking on this challenge, I am eager to dedicate my ride to supporting cancer research and raising funds for BC Cancer.
Did you know that cancer is the second leading cause of death globally? Every year, millions of individuals are diagnosed with cancer, and millions more lose their lives to this devastating disease. Despite advancements in treatment, there is still much work to be done to find a cure.
Here are some sobering statistics:
- "Globally, there was an estimated 20 million new cancer cases worldwide and 10 million deaths from cancer."
- "Cancer accounts for nearly 1 in 6 deaths globally, making it one of the leading causes of death worldwide."
The Tour de Cure is more than just a cycling event; it's an opportunity to come together and make a difference in the lives of those affected by cancer.
My goal is to raise a minimum of CAD $12,000 to contribute towards this cause. Your support, no matter the amount, will make a meaningful impact in the fight against cancer. Together, we can bring hope to those battling this disease and support the ongoing efforts to find a cure.
Thank you for considering supporting me in this journey. Your generosity will not only help me reach my fundraising goal but will also make a difference in the lives of countless individuals affected by cancer.
Please consider supporting me by making a gift today. Your donation will help me achieve my fundraising goal and motivate me in this challenge!
Thank you so much for your support!