2024 Tour De Cure

Held by Thomas Frohlich
Tour de Cure presented by Wheaton Precious Metals
$7,100.00 Raised
21 supporters
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$38,280.00 Raised
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Fundraiser Donors

  1. Barrett-Frohlich Family Fund
  2. Adrian Mucalov
  3. Eric Dobmeier
  4. Noopur Liffick
  5. Marco Mohwinckel
  6. Jodi Jamieson
  7. Andrea van Elsas
  8. Andrew & Larissa Juren
  9. Kurt and Ivana Frantz
  10. Linda Robertson
  11. Margaret Emmett
  13. Gardy Frost
  14. Joanne Barrett
  15. Tim Juren
  16. The HKs
  17. Lucas
  18. Cindy and Mike Juren
  19. Teresa and Mike Reid
  20. Nayan Kalnad
  21. Georges Carlier



I'm once again taking part in a charity fundraising event called the Tour de Cure (previously the Ride to Conquer Cancer) to raise money for ovarian cancer research and the BC Cancer Agency (BCCA) - a place my family has come to depend on over years. We've seen firsthand how the BCCA and cancer research saves lives, and I'm committed to doing whatever I can to help other families get the support and positive outcome we did. This year, Erin and I are feeling particularly grateful and we want to match all donations received up to $5,000. When you donate, you'll make us give more so please make us donate a lot!

Nearly nine years ago (nine!) my wife, Erin, was diagnosed with early-stage ovarian cancer. Thanks to research based at the BC Cancer Agency, Erin went through treatment specific to her rare subtype of ovarian cancer and is now in remission. We are eternally grateful for the care she received that has us back to a (somewhat) normal family life.

Watching Erin go through grueling chemo and radiation while trying to take care of a newborn was the hard part. But, thanks in a big part to the dedicated team at the BCCA, we're on the other side of that now and fully committed on doing whatever we can to further research and support for other families going through an experience with ovarian cancer.

The stats still aren't great. Over 50% of women diagnosed with ovarian cancer won't live five years past their diagnosis. I want to make sure more women - like my wife - get longer than that. The only way that's going to change is with more money for research.

So please, reach into your checking account and give whatever you can - $25, $50, $100, or even more. It is truly appreciated and will help many families like ours.

Raised $500
Raised $1,000
Raised $2,500