Team Captain: Christopher Ward
Tour de Cure presented by Wheaton Precious Metals
$99,419.25 Raised


YOU are amazing! Welcome to the Annual Ride to Conquer Cancer now affectionately known as the Tour de Cure. Team CTV Bell Media has supported this cause from day one and with your help continues to be a force for good with over $1,750,000 raised by over 260 enthusiastic riders over the last 15 years - most of which have at least a small connection to the CTV Bell Media Family (but not all!).

We continue this heartfelt tradition in 2024 as we gear up and ride on August 24th from Cloverdale to Chilliwack and then on the 25th to Hope. We will train hard (in the rain), ride hard (everywhere), do loads of laundry, fix dozens of flats, eat gobs of gel packs, plaster boatloads of band-aids and break all sorts of blisters to get ready for this day. (Sounds fun doesn't it?). Some of us won't even have a bike when we sign up!

No matter what the obstacles are we commit with passion to help and support those near and around us that continue to suffer and be affected by cancer. We do it all together and support each other as a team. In so doing we share lots of laughs, make many friends and shed our fair share of tears. It's an event fueled by passion and a passion fueled by hope ... the hope to END CANCER.

This RIDE is our way of making a difference and I hope you will think about joining us and or supporting us in this community cause. We really do need and appreciate your help.

Please consider riding with us or donating to our team and celebrate with us as a difference maker.

Be well,