Cycling for Cures for Cancers Affecting Children

Held by Conall Barr
Tour de Cure presented by Wheaton Precious Metals
$3,725.00 Raised
28 supporters
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$281,715.00 Raised
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Fundraiser Donors

  1. Conall Barr
  2. Anonymous
  3. Lauren Kent
  4. Kevin Cattell
  5. Rahim Jivraj
  6. Teresa n Landon Nye
  7. For Marge and Yoriko
  8. Joe Lloyd
  9. Lauren Mansfield
  10. Carola Mansfield
  11. Mike Alford
  12. Cindy J Walker
  13. Paula Vendargon
  14. Loretta Ferraro
  15. Cindy Walker
  16. Ron Shafer
  17. Laurinda Menard ( Barr)
  18. Cindy Hagelsieb
  20. Keith Mckenzie
  21. Vivian Ferraro
  22. Betty Chu
  23. Alysha Connor
  24. Vikki Neal
  25. Todd Mundle
  27. For Yoriko and Marge
  28. Mihailo Veljovic
  30. Anonymous


Toddlers too soon taken away,

Not given much chance to live and play

Baby fingers touch our hearts.

Home? Hospital?

....Heaven please.

Their little souls move us to fight.

To find a cure and make it right.

For their friends who follow, that they may live.....

Through the generosity that you all give.

C. Barr

Once again I have chosen to ride for cancers affecting children, ETMR specifically. Though we as riders don't have the cure to cancer, you and I can help clear the way with donations to support cancer research. Uniting as a team, our efforts can be considerable. We can make a difference to the lives of our friends and relatives, children and children's children. Our grandchildren will thank our efforts today for cures tomorrow. Let's make a difference to young cancer patients all over the world.The donation you provide to the BC Cancer Foundation through my Ride, regardless of the amount, helps the world move closer to cures and treatments.** Every dollar you donate means a dollar more to the world leading scientists and doctors at BC Cancer who are conquering cancer. Thank you for any donation amount you are able to give. It all adds up!

I ride for those who can't and couldn't!

Conall Barr

Thank you so much for your support!

Raised $500
Raised $1,000
Raised $2,500