Norm's doin' it again! 2024 Tour de cure

Held by Norman Knuff
Tour de Cure presented by Wheaton Precious Metals
$3,145.00 Raised
17 supporters
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$281,715.00 Raised
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Fundraiser Donors

  1. Anonymous
  2. Mary Ong
  3. Norman Knuff
  4. Leon Judah Blackmore Foundation
  5. Margaret Knuff
  6. Maria Knuff
  7. Dawn M Ross
  8. Anonymous
  9. Norman Knuff
  10. Robin Ross
  11. David Ross
  12. Long Vuong
  13. Anonymous
  14. Anonymous
  15. Rob Stokes
  16. Erica Ortlieb
  17. Elizabeth Ross
  18. Shane McCormack


Im doing it again! For the 9th year in a row Im fund raising for the BC Cancer Foundation in their Tour de Cure bicycle fund raiser.

This year I have run into a small problem. The ride is August 24 and 25. However a young couple have decided to get married on the Saturday of the ride. Despite my efforts to persuade them about their grave error they have made in their choice of dates, they remain unmoved. There will have to be a compromise made.

I will be attending the wedding on Saturday, and then early Sunday morning Karen and I will drag ourselves out of bed and get to Chilliwack early in the morning to join the ride on the second day for the ride to Hope. This means I will only be able to do half the ride.

Does this mean I only need to raise half as much money for BC Cancer? Not a chance. This event is about the funds raised; the bike riding is a long way behind in terms of importance. I still need to meet the same fundraising goal as everyone else.

So, I am asking you to donate. Together we can fund research that will mean the future kids of this couple who are getting married can know a world without cancer.

Raised $500
Raised $1,000
Raised $2,500