Ethan Ribalkin Tour to Cure 2024

Held by Ethan Ribalkin
Tour de Cure presented by Wheaton Precious Metals
$5,340.00 Raised
34 supporters
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$281,715.00 Raised
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Fundraiser Donors

  1. Scrotch
  2. Aurore Viau
  3. Charity Concert Cash Donations
  4. Fred Lachlan
  5. Kristy Maxwell
  6. Leon Judah Blackmore Foundation
  7. Muriel Schmidt
  8. Craig and Karen MacDougall
  9. John Achtem
  10. Clifford MacKay
  11. Laura + Colin Hansen
  12. Janice Shuster
  13. Steve Soravito
  14. Richie Sheldon
  15. Mike & Anna Slack
  16. Felicity Brempong
  17. Russell Landry
  18. Anonymous
  19. Bonita Boutilier
  20. Penny Margetson
  21. Tom and Janette L
  22. Senetza Clan
  23. Stephanie Stark
  24. Shannon White
  25. Mack Harrison
  26. Anonymous
  27. Chantelle Meriam
  28. Anonymous
  29. Andre
  30. Riordan Van der Ven
  31. Lauren Lachlan
  32. Lorraine Prystay
  33. Pat Miazga
  34. Gillian Lynge
  35. Kim Senetza


The time has come for me to return to the Tour de Cure - cycling a long distance to raise money towards cancer research here in British Columbia.

This will be my most challenging event to date due to 3 foot surgeries in 5 years. This time last year, I was learning how to walk.

As tough as this will be, it pales in comparison to challenges faced by people fighting cancer.

I will ride again in the memory of my dear friend, Bob White, and others, who have been affected by this terrible disease.

Please consider a donation as this will help keep me motivated. The Tour de Cure takes place August 24-25 and is approximately 200km - yikes! My ass is already sore just thinking about it haha.

Thank you to everybody for your support and joining in this fight to find better treatments for those battling cancer.

Raised $500
Raised $1,000
Raised $2,500