Cycling for cure

Held by Noah Monash
Tour de Cure presented by Wheaton Precious Metals
$5,105.00 Raised
25 supporters
  • Donate


Cyclists For Cure
$74,098.00 Raised
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Fundraiser Donors

  1. Tia Sunita & Geneva Friends
  2. Nalanda et Nathan
  3. Kelvin Luk
  4. In memory of Grandma Yeung
  5. Diana & Stephen Boppart
  6. Familia Garcia
  7. Pili and Barbara
  8. Leon Judah Blackmore Foundation
  9. Isabel y José Ramon
  10. Ali and Pili
  11. Familia LlinaresGuevara
  12. Nathan Monash
  13. Janet Hood
  14. Temma J Collins
  15. Marie-Josee Proulx-St-Pierre
  16. Golden Bonbon For The Cure
  17. Regina Enz
  18. Chata y Enrique
  19. Georgia Krombein
  20. Nicole Davari
  21. Jennie Nichol
  22. Soli Collins
  23. Elena Wilson
  24. Isabel Quinn
  25. Anonymous
  26. 1UP Fitness For The Cure
  27. From Cyclists For Cure FundRACING
  29. Alberto Conde
  30. Elisa Wilson
  31. Allegra King
  32. Ella Diaz
  33. Liam Monash
  34. Ethan Doctor
  35. Sara Rebecca Sebba
  36. Nikol Rybolov


Hello ! My name is Noah, and I'm going to be riding the Tour de Cure for the first time this year !

Funds raised through the Tour de Cure will support life-saving research and enhancements to care at BC Cancer, bringing hope to cancer patients in British Columbia and making an impact around the world.

Please consider supporting me by making a gift today. Your donation will help me achieve my fundraising goal !

Thank you so much for your support !


Bonjour ! Je m'appelle Noah et je vais participer au Tour de Cure pour la premiere fois cette annee !

Les fonds collectes par le biais du Tour de Cure serviront a financer la recherche de BC Cancer, visant a sauver des vies et ameliorer les soins des patients atteints de cancer en Colombie-Britannique.

N'hesitez pas a me soutenir en faisant un don qui m'aidera atteindre mon objectif de collecte de fonds !

Merci beaucoup pour votre soutien !


Hola! Me llamo Noah y en agosto participare por primera vez en el Tour de Cure.

Los fondos recaudados a traves del Tour de Cure se destinaran a la investigacion de BC Cancer para salvar vidas y mejorar la atencion de los pacientes con cancer en Columbia Britanica.

Por favor, apoyeme haciendo una donacion para ayudarme a alcanzar mi objetivo de recaudacion de fondos!

Muchas gracias por su apoyo.

Raised $500
Raised $1,000
Raised $2,500