For Silvio

Held by Lynn Champagne
Tour de Cure presented by Wheaton Precious Metals
$2,750.00 Raised
22 supporters
  • Donate


$281,715.00 Raised
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Fundraiser Donors

  1. Deanna Martins
  2. Alejandra Brown
  3. Kevin Brewer
  4. Austin Evans
  5. Pierre Champagne
  6. Cory Goulden
  7. Beatrice Labriola
  8. Andrew Grant
  9. Jo and Andrew Hall
  10. Michelle Circé
  11. Amy Simoes
  12. Lynn Champagne
  13. Valerie Taylor
  14. Suzanne Dowdeswell
  15. Peter Frankel
  16. Peter Bremner
  17. Elaine Davison
  18. Valerie Barrette
  19. Dulcie and Ben
  20. Anonymous
  21. Bhawan Deep Bonnie Jagpal
  22. Makiko Deniz


Hello friends and family,

Once again I signed up with Tour de cure Fundraiser. I am doing this ride in memory and honour of our beautiful Silvio. Raising funds in the hopes of a cure for GBM.

Please see the link below and donate. Your donation will support me and motivate me.

Bonjour amis et famille. En Aout 2024, j'embarque encore avec Tour de Cure, une leve de fonds pour combattre le cancer. Je fais ceci en l'honneur et la memoire de mon beau Silvio, en esprant que la science trouvera quelque chose pour illiminer le cancer du cerveau. Vos dont supporte ma cause et m'encourage.

Merci du fond du coeur!

Thank you so much for your support!

Raised $500
Raised $1,000
Raised $2,500