Paul Chapman

Held by Paul Chapman
Tour de Cure presented by Wheaton Precious Metals
$3,400.00 Raised
6 supporters
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$281,715.00 Raised
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Fundraiser Donors

  1. Lester Poltak
  2. Jessica Whyte
  3. Franco Girotto
  4. Louise McCook
  5. james burris
  6. Kell Electric


Please support me in the Tour de Cure!

This August I will be embarking on a cycling challenge. I have committed to participate in the Tour de Cure presented by Wheaton Precious Metals to help BC Cancer Foundation break down cancer.

I have participated in every ride since inception in 2009. We rode the 2018 journey for the first year in Canada.

The 2023 ride was very special to me as both my daughters Macie and Paige joined me and made it through the one and 3/4s day until the air quality went from 3 to 11 out of 10 in Hope. The organizers naturally put the health of all riders ahead of completing day 2.

Why have I ridden over 200 kilometers each summer since 2009?

I do this because doctors told me that my Brain Tumour that was resected in an operation in July of 2007 was terminal Brain Cancer (Grade 4 Glioblastoma Multiforme, aka GBM). A doctor told me I had 6 months to live. I argued with him, but he was persistent in his determination. After repeatedly telling the doctor I was going to live, he settled on perhaps I may live 12 months. Again I disagreed. We parted on that note. (It's been over 16 years that I've been Cancer free).

Two weeks later, the thought that I could die in 6 months depressed me. A relative that had been through Cancer told me I had two choices; firstly I could give up and die, or secondly choose to fight and live. I responded that I didn't have two choices, I had one. This focused me on my mission ahead of me. With two young daughters aged one and five, I declared that I would fight and win! I would not leave this planet with my daughters not having a father! Once again, increadibly proud of my girls last year and I hope this year.

The resection of the grapefruit size tumour was step one, recovery from the operation was complete after 3 weeks. Within the recovery time, some remaining cancer cells formed two new areas of growth. Second step was to shrink the areas with Radiation, and third step was to use Chemo to kill the cells.

Fortunately enough my doctors at the BC Cancer Agency and my surgeon-Dr Gul did an incredible job managing my resection. I was declared in Remission on March 16th, 2008.

In October of 2008 Team Brainiacs was formed by 4 survivors and 4 friends.

I'm here giving back to the system which treated me so well, and asking for your monetary support.

50% is the current number of Canadians that will get Cancer in their lifetime. This number is offensive to me, and I am determined to ride with my team of Brainiacs and a few thousand others to raise money to support Cancer research. You will be our partners in this success. Without you, our financial partners there would be no ride. There would be less stories of success with Cancer. We put our butts in the saddle for a long and epic ride and you open your wallets to create a fabulous team!

I am pleased to ride the ride to reduce the offensive number, and even if we can't reduce the number, we will increase the other number, SURVIVORS!

Thank you all for being my financial partners in this ride! Over 14 years the Ride, over $112 million has been raised for Cancer research. We, the Brainiacs with your help have raised over $3 million during that time and we are looking forward to continuing the ride with the newly re-launched Tour de Cure! "Lets Continue until Cancer is Not Continuing"!


Paul Chapman

Raised $500
Raised $1,000
Raised $2,500