Andrew Barbaza - Team Schnitzel

Held by Andrew Barbaza
Tour de Cure presented by Wheaton Precious Metals
$6,300.00 Raised
60 supporters
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Team Schnitzel
$79,713.00 Raised
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Fundraiser Donors

  1. Roland Cabana
  2. Apolinar Barbaza
  3. Marcus Soares BJJ Seminar
  4. HMarquez
  5. Carly Brown
  6. Anonymous Match
  7. Steve Hsu
  8. Josie & Efren Barbaza
  9. Rey&Ludi Barbaza
  10. JD Galindo
  11. V M
  12. Andrew Hennen
  13. Geraldine Barbaza - Cruz - Rich
  14. Sandy Lee
  15. Leonardo Balicha
  16. Amy Wood
  17. Mariel Barbaza
  18. Ivan
  19. Jacqueline Derteano
  20. Osvaldo Maltes
  21. Gloria Barbaza Malabanan
  22. Tony Ngan
  23. Patrick Barbaza
  24. Douglas Cheung
  25. James Pearson
  26. Your Everyday Rich Podcast
  27. Anthony Dela Rea
  28. Vanessa McNabb
  29. For my Ninang and Brother Mark
  30. Emilia Villafria
  31. Denise Trainor
  32. Anonymous
  33. Martin Frechette
  34. Jeff Amanse
  35. Yannick Elharrar
  36. Arslan Younus
  37. Elizabeth Penafuerte
  38. FeViet Apelgren
  39. Livinea Carvalho
  40. Adam Camara
  41. Ria Rodriguez
  42. Jasmine Quindipan
  43. Anonymous
  44. Maria Prescilla
  45. Rommel Cabana
  46. Kevin Mendoza
  47. MC C
  48. Joseph Amanse
  49. Zalamea Family
  50. Alison Barbaza
  51. Cyndi Ward
  52. Kristen Nelmes
  53. Anonymous
  54. Bettyann Rowlee
  55. Jenny Wong
  56. Kristin Ferreira
  57. Anonymous
  58. Patrick Man
  59. EJ J
  60. Jeff King


On August 24-25, I will be participating in the 2024 Tour de Cure - a 260km cycling challenge. Alongside my wife, family, and friends who share the same quest to help BC Cancer Foundation break down cancer, we are looking for your help!

Sadly, most of us have unfortunately been either directly or indirectly impacted by cancer, and we all have our own unique story. Here's mine...

In 2011, my brothers and I lost our beloved grandmother Marcosa Barbaza to cancer. We vowed to honour her name by doing our part in raising awareness and funds to support cancer research. In our participation of a 160km Ride To Conquer Cancer (and with the help of 4610 riders with the same mission), we helped raise a record breaking $17.5M benefiting Princess Margaret Hospital

In 2020, in the height of covid, our very own mother Josie Barbaza was suddenly diagnosed with cancer. Thankfully through her fight, the neverending support from our family and friends, and the world-class medical staff here in BC that supported her every step of the way, she was able to win her battle and be here with us today. She was blessed with more moments with her loved ones, more years to witness her grandchildren grow, and more opportunities to cherish this precious this thing we call life - a story not everyone is able to tell.

Like my childhood friend (and brother for life) Mark De Leon. In late 2020 his life would be flipped upside down. Clean bill of health, beatiful family, and such a blessed life. After suffering a stroke and seizure completely out of the blue, he was rushed to the hospital. Medical staff found a tumour in his brain that was soon identifed as stage 4 glioblastoma. Due to its aggressive nature, surgery was needed to remove the tumour, and before we knew it, Mark wasn't just fighting for his life, but for more time with his family. After countless treatments and visits to the hospital, and the never-ending support from his friends and family, Mark lost his battle to cancer. A tragic ending to a story none of us were prepared to hear.

Sadly, there are quite a few stories I can share in this write-up, but instead I will be carrying them with me for motivation. This ride will be a challenge, but I recognize it'll be nothing compared to the battles our loved ones have fought. My sweat will be nothing compared to the tears we've all shed...this will be my source of energy to keep pushing forward.

It's my mission to give hope to cancer patients in BC - the same hope you and I had, or might have even in this very moment in time. Let's come together to support life-saving research, and continued enhancements to patient care at BC Cancer Foundation.

Please consider supporting and motivating me by making a donation today. I have a fundraising goal of $2,500 and will need every bit of help to get there!

I have a list of names I will be wearing on my jersery during my ride, and would love to add more to the list. Feel free to dedicate your donation to a loved one, and I'll be sure to ride in their honour as well.

This ride is also be dedicated to:

Ivey Villanueva (mother of my sister in law)

Kristy Spring (sister of my good friend)

Stephen Tamayo (cousin in law)

Falon Burke (schoolmate of my son Jonah)

...and many more.

Thank you so much - love you all!

- Andrew Barbaza

Raised $500
Raised $1,000
Raised $2,500