2024 - You can Help make a difference!

Held by Robyn Savage
Tour de Cure presented by Wheaton Precious Metals
$275.00 Raised
4 supporters
3 months remaining
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$18,390.00 Raised
Join Team

Fundraiser Donors

  1. Linda Allan
  2. Tereshka Gama-Pinto
  3. Rita Brennan
  4. JP Mc Loughlin


In 2022, I was diagnosed with a rare sarcoma cancer. The tumour was located in my abdomen and it was growing rapidly. While processing the recent news, I was told I wouldnt be able to work. This included my full-time office job, and part-time job as an indoor cycling and strength training instructor. Surgery wise, I was told they would have to take out some of my ribcage and my entire abdominal wall. There was talk of using a plastic mesh to cover the hole. I wasnt really scared about the surgery itself, but more about the post-recovery. How would I rebuild the muscle, if I had a fake plastic abdominal wall? And without some of my rib, would I ever be able to ride a bike, ski, snowboard, run, or play soccer again? The answers were unknown and as I learned quickly, things can change unexpectedly during the process. It was overwhelming, and was definately the most challenging year of my life.

I notified my employers, packed up my desk and started my first chemotharapy treatment 2 weeks later. As I left the BC Cancer building, I saw the poster for the Tour De Cure, 200km bike ride. I told myself.... "When this is all over, I'm going to complete that ride!" I was optiminstic, yet mentally determined to get through this, no matter what. Thankfully, after a few rounds of chemo the tumour reduced in size. Next up, was the surgery to remove it. I was still so nervous about the future and what physical restrictions I may have. The surgery went as well as it could and thankfully was less invasive than expected. I was happy to hear my surgeon confirm I'd be able to do anything - Even an Ironman! This was very positive news.

Post surgery, I was on a lot of painkillers. I wasnt allowed to do any exercise, other than short walks for 8-12 weeks. This was challenging for me. Fitness had been such a big part of my life that this took a serious toll on my mental health. After a few weeks of recovery, I was right back on my regular chemo schedule, for the next 7 months. Yes, there were some really hard days, unplesant symptoms and set backs in my schedule. I caught a fever, had covid, a blood transfusion, countless scans, injections, IV needles, and far too many pills. I had to decline 3 x bachelorettes, 4 x weddings, and sell multiple concert tickets, due to being immune compromised. I barely went out in public and I spent my 34th birthday in the hospital.

Regardless of the setbacks, Im still here and Im stronger than ever! What really kept me going was my goal to soon get back on the bike, complete that 200km ride, and fundraise for an amazing cause. In August 2023, I completed the Tour De Cure with my amazing bike team: Team Crush It and raised over $10,000 towards BC Cancer Foundation! I was given a second chance at life and I will never take that for granted. Not everyone is so lucky.

We all know someone who has suffered from cancer or is still fighting. This August, 2024, I will be riding again, with Team Crush It, in the 2 day cycling event - BC's largest cyclying fundraiser. It will be hard and it will be long, but it does not compare to the challenge of facing cancer. Funds raised through the Tour de Cure will support life-saving research and enhancements to care at BC Cancer, bringing hope to cancer patients and their families, in British Columbia, and making an impact around the world.

Please consider supporting me by making a gift today. Your donation will help me achieve my fundraising goal AND motivate me in this challenge!

Thank you so much for your support!

Robyn Savage


Offline donation page for printing: Click here to download

