My Fundraising Page

Held by Steve Parsons
Tour de Cure presented by Wheaton Precious Metals
$4,295.00 Raised
16 supporters
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$141,487.00 Raised
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Fundraiser Donors

  1. Anonymous
  2. Kathleen Casprowitz
  3. Anonymous
  4. Paul Storey
  5. Springate Holdings Ltd
  6. jim parsons
  7. Christine Fawcett
  8. Brian Berry
  9. Anonymous Match
  10. Hugh Smythe
  11. Scott Slater
  12. Susan Toreesdahl
  13. Gary Cornett
  14. Chris & Brian Leighton
  15. Vicky Barr-Humphries
  16. Linda Ingham
  17. Rebecca Thede
  18. june Waddington


Please support me in the Tour de Cure!

I have been riding in this event since 2011.

This year I am riding with a new team and I am still riding to honour the life of my son, Taylor. He lost is battle with a brain tumor at 17 years of age after a brave 10 year battle.

On training ride years ago with someone that used to work at the Cancer Clinic in Vancouver he shared about the magic penny. In the cafeteria there was a donation jar for Cancer research near the till. He saw an Oncologist through his change in the jar and he thanked the Oncologist. The Oncologist said. We never know which penny will be the one that brings about the cure but this one might just be the one.

Is yours the magic penny?

Raised $500
Raised $1,000
Raised $2,500