Collette Ostler

Held by Collette Ostler
Tour de Cure presented by Wheaton Precious Metals
$3,161.63 Raised
17 supporters
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$281,715.00 Raised
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Fundraiser Donors

  1. Domries Family
  2. Anonymous
  3. Collette Ostler
  4. Connie Young
  5. A and V Ostler
  6. Siddharth Buddhavarapu
  7. Darlene Maser
  8. Anonymous
  9. Anonymous
  10. Anonymous
  11. Anonymous
  12. Pam - Dale
  13. David Fan
  14. Jennifer Bove
  15. Catherine Palmer
  16. Sarah Ostler
  17. Catherine Ostler
  18. Mark Tear
  19. Anonymous
  20. Anonymous
  21. Heidi Degenstein
  22. Anonymous
  23. Margaret Appleton
  24. Barb Walks


Please support me in the 2-day, 220km ride for the Tour de Cure August 24, 25 - I need to hit my $2500.00 minimum to ride this year. US donations are also tax deductable, and can be made via this form, and with the info Collette Ostler, 1158.

I am a proud member of the community-based team Brainiacs. Founded by 4 brain cancer survivors in 2009, we are Inspired to Ride, and we Ride to Inspire others - that cancer can be beaten, and that anyone (even me) can take on a big challenge to make an impact. It will be hard and it will be long, but it does not compare to the challenge of facing cancer. Together we are aiming to raise $250,000 - we can get there, together!

Funds raised through the Tour de Cure will support life-saving research and enhancements to care at BC Cancer, bringing hope to cancer patients in British Columbia and making an impact around the world.

Please consider supporting me by making a gift today. Your donation will help me achieve my fundraising goal AND motivate me in this challenge!

Thank you so much for your support!

Raised $500
Raised $1,000
Raised $2,500