My Fundraising Page

Held by Talid Jalbout
Tour de Cure 2025
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Dear Friends and Supporters,

Im writing to share that weve crossed the finish line!

The 2024 Tour de Cure was a great success, with over 1,674 cyclists, 230 volunteers, and numerous donors raising over $7.3 million. It was a powerful and emotional journey that I couldnt have completed without your incredible support.

The first day was challenging, a 100km spent battling record rain, wind and 14C. But with every pedal stroke I was reminded of why I rode.

-I rode for my wife Heather
-I rode for my mom Franoise
-I rode for Heathers mom, Fran
-I rode in honor of all those we have lost to this disease
-I rode for those who are still bravely battling it
-I rode to support the medical system that provides the essential care

On the eve of our second day, the world learned that a vaccine to prevent lung cancer has advanced to human trials in several countries! This is what drives us. The next day, we completed another 100 km ride to Hope, BC, under a beautiful sunny sky, feeling both accomplished and purposeful.".

-I ride for cancer-free future

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity and for being part of this journey. Together, we are making a difference.

Let's do it all over again for 2025!

Warm regards,

Talid Jalbout