My Fundraising Page

Held by Brent Davidson
Tour de Cure presented by Wheaton Precious Metals
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Please support me in the Tour de Cure!

In August of 2024 I will be saddling up for my 6th Tour de Cure. I remember registering for my first like it was yesterday. I didn't have a bike or a helmet or spandex shorts (that are suitable for cycling anyways.) Inspired by (and frankly bulllied) by our Team Leader and my best friend, Patrick, I started from zero. I had never ridden further than maybe the corner store for a soda pop and a candy bar as a child. Now, I was regularly getting up at the crack of dawn pushing myself to go 20km, 40km, 60km. These longer rides meant I was crouched over, sitting on a bike seat for 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours. My neck and arms aching, roaring for me to stop. I wanted to. I didn't think I was going to be able to get fit enough to ride the gruelling two day event with only 6 months to prepare. As I contemplated my commitment to this seemingly outrageous cycling challenge, off the road and away from my bike, momentum was building. A momentum I couldn't fully understand until I saw it with my own eyes. My people were rallying behind me., My family, my friends, my colleagues, aquaintances and folks I had never met were sending in donations on behalf of my commitment. $0 became $100, $400, $1000. There was no turning back now. 60km became 75km, 90km, and finally 118.2km, my longest ride yet. Over 5 hours on the saddle, 2,500+ calories, 717 m climbed, crossing 4 municipal borders and unmeasurable pride surging through my body. I was ready. And my people were with me every kilometre. Each encouraging email, text and phone call urging me to push a little harder, a little longer. Together, we surpassed my $2500 goal. Without my people, none of this is possible.

I am simply a steward for you generous donations. No amount is insignificant. Last year, I was matching all donations between $10-$25 (up to $250) and it was incredible how many people reached out saying they felt anything less than $100 was embarrassing. WRONG! Those donations are everything. It all matters.

The two day, 200+km challenge is not easy. It will be hard and it will be long, but it does not compare to the challenge of facing cancer. We remind ourselves every day. Train a little harder and raise a little more than you did yesterday.

Funds raised through the Tour de Cure will support life-saving research and enhancements to care at BC Cancer, bringing hope to cancer patients in British Columbia and making an impact around the world.

Please consider supporting me by making a gift today. Your donation will help me achieve my fundraising goal AND motivate me in this challenge!

Thank you so much for your support!

Brent "Big Wheel" Davidson


Offline donation page for printing: Click here to download