Changing cancer outcomes

Held by Jennifer Trost
Tour de Cure presented by Wheaton Precious Metals
$6,500.00 Raised
49 supporters
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Team CJI
$38,602.00 Raised
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Fundraiser Donors

  1. Froggy Pad Group Daycare
  2. Blake Tabian
  3. Monique Franczak
  4. Leon Judah Blackmore Foundation
  5. Elsa Goldberg Powell
  6. Maureen Carlson
  7. David Trost
  8. Jennifer Trost
  9. Shelley Parker
  10. Jacob Kojfman
  11. Andrea Helander
  12. Karen McCormick
  13. Emily
  14. John and Jenny
  15. Matt and Darya
  16. Denise Lascelle
  17. Jason Michaud
  18. Kent Alekson
  19. Catherine Peacock
  20. christine suter
  21. jennifer young
  22. Phil Z
  23. Don Macdonald
  24. Claudia Edwards
  25. Janice Forsyth
  26. Anonymous
  27. Jennifer Nener
  28. Ian and Carole
  29. Catherine Yoell
  30. Angela MacKenzie
  31. Tania Stracuzza
  32. Andrea McLean
  33. Belinda WLI
  34. Alex Storie
  35. Ana and Dave
  36. Dan B
  37. Becky Lai
  38. Jessica Curry
  39. Alastair Dundas
  40. Ian Braby
  41. Cassandra Allard
  42. Gwen Gnazdowsky
  43. Cindy Ziobrowski
  44. Julie Makranyi
  45. Anonymous
  46. Anonymous
  47. L. Friend
  48. Cathy Atwell
  49. Michelle de Braux


In December 2018, when my two boys were just 4 and 6 years old, I had been busy working on 2 major infrastructure projects, and then that lump that I had been quietly dismissing thinking it was nothing, and kept putting off a Mammogram appointment because I was too busy... It quickly turned into a fastest series of doctor appointments I had ever been privy to: mammogram, biopsy, Surgical Oncologist, MRI, Plastic Surgeon, Mastectomy surgery, Surgical Oncologist, Oncologist, Radiation Oncologist, CT Scan, Radiation, Radiation Oncologist, Oncologist... Within 2 months of the mammogram I underwent a mastectomy with reconstruction, followed by radiation, and hormone therapy, which I continue to receive to this day.

It was in those first few days of cancer diagnosis when my world got super small. All that really mattered were my two little boys and my worry for my husband and the future of our family. The 'what ifs' were BIG and there were too many unknowns. I didn't want to tell anyone. I didn't want others to worry. I managed to quickly compartmentalize and focus on my family's needs and distracted myself with client work while I waited for biopsy results and the surgical oncology appointment that would provide more clarity and a treatment path going forward.

I was super lucky. I had a slow growing, common form of breast cancer, and after the mastectomy, was easily treatable with radiation and hormone therapy. I was lucky that I had a very proactive family physician who obtained necessary referrals immediately (and right before the Christmas holidays.) I was very lucky to live in a major urban centre and have access to some of the best cancer treatment in Canada. I am very lucky to be receiving cancer care through BC Cancer Agency (the recipient of BC Cancer Foundation) where I receive free monthly hormone blocking injections, free medication, and semi-annual check-in appointments with my oncologist. I am grateful to be living in a country where we have free access to healthcare. I am especially thankful to be in excellent health today, where I can train to participate in a ride that funds research and supportive care that saves and improves the quality of lives for too many undergoing cancer treatment and living with metastatic cancer.

This year I've initiated Team CJI again! I will be riding in support of my Dad (prostate cancer survivor), my Mom (breast cancer), in loving memory of my Aunt (a non-smoker who passed from lung cancer), my friend Cindy (living with metastatic cancer), my friend Terry (who successfully navigated bone marrow transplant), friend's husband Mike (who has successfully navigated treatment for stage 4 non-smokers lung cancer), and in loving memory of Judy (a colleague who passed away from Pancreatic cancer in 2018), and Ian (our friend's Dad who passed away from Mesothelioma 2021), and way too many others to count.

So please join me, and Team CJI reach our fundraising goal. Your incredible support will be my reason why we ride 200 km from Surrey to Hope, British Columbia on August 24 & 25, 2024 in support of cancer treatment and research.

Thank you for your generous support.

With much gratitude and love,


Did you know that BC Cancer Foundation funds world-leading cancer research and is home to some of the worlds top ranked scientific minds? Some of the huge scientific advances that BC Cancer has garnered, include:

Raised $500
Raised $1,000
Raised $2,500