To Hope For A Cure

Held by Brett Simpson
Tour de Cure presented by Wheaton Precious Metals
$29,784.87 Raised
40 supporters
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Team RGF Market Cycles
$120,254.00 Raised
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Fundraiser Donors

  1. Brett and Rachel Simpson
  2. David Rossi
  3. Clay Gillespie
  4. Cecilia Tsang
  5. Anonymous
  6. Soren and Elizabeth Hammerberg
  7. Karen Ensing
  8. John Smyth
  9. David & Linda Crone
  10. Sandi Munro and Jay Wollenberg
  11. Bob & Elizabeth Lee
  12. Barry McCabe
  13. Anonymous
  14. Doug Guichon
  15. Brian Lee
  16. Patrick Wylie
  17. Harry Wiedmayer
  18. Helen Fisher
  19. Joyce Pinsker
  20. Inga and Terry
  21. Laurie Bristow
  22. Sooz Klinkhamer
  23. Carlo Elholm
  24. Rajeev Sangha
  25. Pat Monahan
  26. Kuldip Taggar
  27. Jas Gill
  28. Bane Ratich
  29. Graham Page
  30. Anonymous
  31. eugene Lee
  32. Jeff Mulock
  33. Anonymous
  34. Brandon Atwal
  35. Greg Smith
  36. Laurel Bryson
  37. David Forrest
  38. Cathy Petry
  39. Harry Renaud
  40. Bob Postlethwaite
  41. Beverly Reid
  42. Bernie LeForte


Thanks for your consideration in support of the Tour de Cure and BC Cancer Foundation!

In a few weeks, I will continue my cycling challenge to raise funds for cancer research and treatment. I committed again to participate with the BC Cancer Foundation in year three of their re-branded "Tour de Cure" presented by Wheaton Precious Metals. My goal remains the same as the past 15 times cycling: to help raise funds and awareness of the need for all of us, in support where we can, to stop the spread of cancers in all forms. Please consider helping BC Cancer Foundation break down cancer.

When I was a little boy, I loved the freedom of the moment, the effortless speed of the downhills, and the wind in my face and hair. I didn't give any thought to climbing "hills" in life.

Today my hair is gone and I'm not so innocent. I am very aware of the disease and sickness manifesting everywhere and steep challenges health issues present to all I know who face them. My circle of care representing family, friends, business colleagues, and clients has been deeply impacted by cancers of all kinds. I'm sure it is the same for your circle.

Cycling steep grades as an adult is a challenge, but nothing compared to the challenge of facing cancer. I want to help beat this disease so people I care about won't get it. I hope you feel the same.

We could all benefit from one less steep health hill to climb.

Funds raised through the Tour de Cure will support life-saving research and enhancements to care at BC Cancer, bringing hope to cancer patients in British Columbia and making an impact around the world.

Please consider helping me to support them by making a gift of what you can. Your donation will help keep inspiring others to help and keep funding the researchers to achieve the breakthroughs we all need.

Thank you so much for your consideration and generosity!

Warmest Regards,


Raised $500
Raised $1,000
Raised $2,500