Air Quality Guidelines

The safety of participants, vendors and volunteers is our top priority.

The Tour de Cure and BC Cancer Foundation Senior Leadership Team will monitor air quality daily during the lead up to event weekend to assess the safety.

The following guideline will help us determine how the event moves forward based on the Air Quality Health Index:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 +
LowRisk (1-3) ModerateRisk (4-6) HighRisk (7-10) VeryHigh Risk


  • 1-3: Event goes on, no modification
  • 4-6: Route may be modified; Participants are encouraged to recognize their own limitations, especially those who have respiratory issues.
    WARNING: to all participants who have a pre-existing conditions that require rescue medication (cardiovascular or respiratory) to have medication on-hand!
  • 7+: BC Cancer Foundation will support a DIY event